Inaugural Blog Action Day

was yesterday, and I, diarrhea afflicted minion, missed it!

Am still attached to the bathroom, but nothing can stop me from getting in on the action, however late!

What’s blog action day? Check it out yourself.

In lieu of an original entry on the quaint theme, le Environment, here’s some local blogactions we like

List of blog action day bloggers from singapore: (source: Otterman: Blogging for the environment). Another list on the wildsingapore site.

Here’s a short list of blogactions recommended by the Action Blog itself:

So… what have you done for the environment lately? Perhaps you can begin with your furries: ever give thought about How to Green Your Pet? If even one little Singapore boy, as tied up in school work and growing up as the other Singapore boys, believes enough to be a Green Volunteer, how can adults not do even the little bit within our power to do? Like reuse, recycle, reduce?

On the subject of little Singapore boys and the state of our environment, has anyone ever wondered What Is Education For? (EDIT: See this, very insightful vid of what students today actually do and feel. Thanks to Budak.)

Footnote: in order never to find ourselves on the tail-end of great and meaningful events again, I’m going to start an events calendar… as soon as my gut gets under control. EDIT: another important day: 16 Oct is World Food Day and Feral Cat Day in the US. (Meantime, this blog’s estimated return to action is Saturday.)

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