Appeal for Homeless Pierre: going blind and needing a home

Remember Pierre, tec honorary clan member in Area3?

He has been in foster care since early March in a home in Area2. A, his caregiver from Area 2, is spearheading the efforts to care for him.

The sad thing for Pierre is that he is going blind and his home is being destroyed. So he needs medical help and he needs a forever home. While they are trying their best, A and her friends who are kitty caregivers in area2 are struggling to keep up with the financial cost of supporting him – they need help with his medical bills as their individual financial situations are not fantastic, and they still have the resident colony of 8 to care for.

Us minions have helped to set up and start a blog to help appeal for help and to highlight Pierre’s need for a home, and to assist with managing his blog and his online appeal. (Not much else we can do to help as we’re also strapped, what with the slackers’ lengthening string of medical bills since last year and the ongoing upkeep of our lot at Foster Mum’s.)

Please go to Pierre the Singapore homeless cat needs help, blog url: to read about his story and his current status. Please do help Pierre by spreading the word on his need. Thank you very much!

Pierre’s adoption notice submitted to the Cat Welfare Society’s adoption board on 12 Apr 10.


Pierre is the sweetest homeless cat ever! He behaves as if he’s been a homecat who has only known TLC all his life.

But he is now really in need of a home as he is losing his sight. He is about 8 years old and is otherwise healthy.

His caregivers are valiantly trying to give him the medical attention and love he needs, but their finances are limited and they still have a colony of 8 to care for. So they are appealing for a loving and accommodating family to adopt Pierre.
Pierre’s new family will have to take over both his daily needs and his medical requirements as well.

Genuine adopters willing to accommodate the special needs of sight-impaired cats who may potentially go blind only please.

Please visit Pierre’s blog at to read his story and know him better.

Pierre_20100330_007y Pierre_20100330_016y Pierre_20100330_019y Pierre_20100330_010y

(Must read: Cat care refs.)

Click here to see other home-seeking kitties.

2 responses to “Appeal for Homeless Pierre: going blind and needing a home

  1. Pingback: Pierre may lose his eye… « Tipped Ear Clan

  2. i just wanted to say that i love all animals a little more than most people i like the ones no one wants the ones with problems i especialoy love cats. but theres a specific breed that is crying out for a family someone who will love them. “a forever home” the pitbull stratfored terrior or american bull dog need help its being singled out make a change help a voice that cant be herd. i no theres animals every where that are being mis treated. god if only we all had money but we dont we have a voice though somthing animals dont have. so if you would tell people to give them a chance. pitbulls have a bad backgroung but that doesnt mean all of them are bad. i have one hes wonderful my life wouldnt be completed with out him. i got him when he was a baby he was going to be a fighting dog we payed 25 dollars to save a life its worrth it every bit. when you show love and devotion to them you get it right back i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for him i had a gun pulled on me i was terrified i froze people say oh if somone ever pulls a gun on me there gunna be sorry well thats not how it works caus iv said the same thing my dog immediatly took charge he snaped my leather leash in half instantly. i didnt want my dog to get shot so i dove after him got his back leg the guy got scared and drove off i preased charges he was caught my dog jd got put in the paper as a pitbull i was so proud you dont ever see good things in the paper bout pitbulls i still have it one my fridge. so give the pitbull breed a chance they will make you proud i want a “red zone” pitbull because thay need love to check them out. because of the economy i have not alot of money so now i save cans every can helps and i cash them in and give the money to the animal shelter its one of many ways to help out.