Category Archives: Blessing

Rescued as a kitten from being culled in 2006. This tabby boy doesn’t allow his lack of full-sight get in his way.

Special kitties

Can you see Hope? He’s a special kitty lingcat rescued and is looking for a home.

Go to this blog entry on Dawn’s blog and see how active and lively this kitten is. You can also see all of lingcat’s posts on him here.

I do believe what Dawn observed about the special ones.

Look at Max, Born Without Eyes And Teeth


Max, an orange tabby, looks and acts like any normal cat. He grooms himself, tries to get attention from humans, and in general, is a curious cat. And he rules the roost at the Best Friends Animal Clinic in Oregon.

But up close, people who meet Max see that this cat is a bit different. He was born without eyes and teeth.

He was first discovered on a ranch two years ago. He was skittish and ran into inanimate objects.

… The staff tried to find his owners, but no one stepped up. Dr. Shannon Sierra, the veterinarian who was caring for Max, fell in love with the cat and decided to adopt him.

Sierra said: “At first, I figured he’d survive if he was cared for, but I didn’t know what his quality of life would be like. Then I spent some time with him and realized how well he gets around. He doesn’t know he’s handicapped. He just does what he needs to do and he does it really well. I figured out pretty quickly that I was the only one who was really having any issues.”

(Full post at

There are so many examples overseas: Poppet the Deafblind Kitten, Lola, Faith.

But in Singapore, besides Hope, there are also special kitties who do not let their disabilities get in their way, like these troopers under Foster Mum’s TLC: Karma (RIP Aug 07), Kobe, Gabbie (aka Debbie) and Andie (RIP Jul 07). And this guy – Blessing.

He looks like Max, but he’s not toothless, just born with eyes that were covered by membrane. He looks sightless, but is able to see somwwhat, ever since Foster Mum got the membrane trimmed away.


He’s perched on high here, happy as can be.