Category Archives: Anita

Beautiful chocolate and white bi-colour 6 month female with green eyes. Entered the cattery in Feb 08, adopted Mar 08.

Lovely Anita

This beautiful X entered the cattery at the same time as Bunny, and like Bunny, she was to be put up for adoption. We named her Anita, but as it turns out, she was adopted even before her adoption run was started.


Despite being very reserved, Anita was literally snapped up. Bunny, with her bubbly and affectionate character, meanwhile may have less chances of adoption just because she’s black. We hope some of Anita’s good fortune will rub off on Bunny.

Even though Anita doesn’t need help with homeseeking, I still feel the need to put up a post on her because the first time we met, she literally broke our hearts… we heard her before we saw her in her cage. And she sounded exactly like Kheilly, who’s been gone for slightly more than 1 year now. I nearly asked to take Anita just because of that, because we miss him so badly.