Cara vid’d, Cassie and Ivan were there too

Yesterday morning was almost a gathering of Area 1’s carpark cats. There was Cara (at last), Cassie (who got the telemeow and just wanted company), and Ivan.


She liked btmao’s company, and of course the brekkie service. But she’s not been regular, as mentioned. So that just makes us wonder where she’s hanging out since her suspected motorcycle-seat-related injury.



Ivan the no longer terrible


Since he’s been demojo-ed, Ivan’s been letting go of his terror aura. He’s a big teddy bear now, sweet on btmao and the girls. He shared chow with Cassie and then went off for a drink.


Somehow she knew there was a gathering, and turned up. She was really happy to have company, and her tail wagged with the energy of having breakfasted. btmao served her second brekkie and she shared it with Ivan. When Ivan moved off, the gathering sort of concluded itself, and we followed Ivan to his drinking spot to take the pics you see. We left Cara and Cassie to themselves.

As we past Ivan, I couldn’t resist taking photos of him slaking his thirst. What happened next is a distress call, just like the way the new b&w girl in area 2 cried last night – and who should appear, but Cassie. She’s still lonely and wants company, and as soon as she got us in sight, she stopped calling. We really hope to find her a home soon, where she won’t have to cry for feeling lonely.


Cassie-standing on grooming ceremony

Ivan-none, all he did was sit there and make eyes at the camera.

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