Cara was out today too

btmao came home late, as Cara, who’s rarely in the carpark now, appeared, and was very wanting in the affection department, so btmao hired out her lap and provided chin rubs and anything else she wanted. She is very trusting and friendly – which makes us nervous for her safety.

No pics today, but these were taken on Mar 18, and she’s a lot slimmer now, which is a good thing, because she was so round before that her backside was always dirty- she couldn’t reach around her grossly round tummy. Now she’s much more hygienic.

Grossly overmuch fats on cats really isn’t cute. Which is also why we try to tell the dumpster feeders we already do and they can stop feeding these, and maybe think about feeding others. But they never listen of course. For a time, we were worried that she might expire from being grossly overfed.



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