Monthly Archives: November 2006

Area 3 cats

This morning’s brekkie takers:

Henna and Martin (carp view)

Mary perfect cat

Marcus in the sun.

Cats in a row – Martin, Macy

Another look at tiny Macy

Checking out the buffet spread

Marcus administer a taste test

Synchonised mowing

Satisfied after a good meal.

Spot the cats


We went by Ian’s place, and he was, as ever, outside his “home”. You’ll see him and another pair of pointy ears here.

Here’s the new one – the Tortie girl we’ve seen all of 3 times so far. Good thing her ear is tipped.


She’s not in great shape though – but does seem to be less patchy than I remembered from my first sighting. Hopefully she’s improving, and the family has kept to feeding Avoderm/Avoderm-equivalent like we advised them, rather than the Whiskas/Friskies/Purina/raw ikan bilis gunk cocktail they used to give until Charlotte’s death. We’ll keep a watch as much as we can.


btmao and I have decided to call her Chica.

Today’s cattery pics

It was sweltering today, and while many cats were dozing, some were up and about, eithe happy or curious to see people moving in and out of the catteries.

Booties (Vid)
While I hosted Izzy’s dad, and talked about Foster Mum’s work, btmao was in the first cattery entertaining the cats. Booties was by btmao’s feet all the way, wherever she stood or sat. What devotion.

She was contentedly sharing time with btmao. Was absolutely happy to be in her lap for 3o minutes.

Frankie (Vid)
As ever, the cool cat was nonchalant to all and sundry.

Today Angel was up and about, and actually responded when we called her. She even approached the cage door to meet and greet. She’s so different from before – we’re happy to see her on the road to better spirit. Foster Mum’s TLC knows no bounds!


Like Angel, he’s doing much better. His fur is looking a sharp pristine white too. I took him out of his cage to show his eyes to a friend of Izzy’s dad. He purred and was pliant like a ragdoll. What a sweetie.

Other preciouses in the cattery





Izzy did it

Yay-hey! As of this afternoon, about 3pm, Izzy’s got a dad.

He was, as usual, very good with his dad, HB, and his dad with him. I really felt good watching their interaction.

Izzy’s a natural greeter, and friendly with every person who walks into the cattery, (and visitors, even those not coming for his sake, generally comments on his social nature), In fact Foster Mum would also tell us of other visitors’ remarks about “marble cake”. But nothing ever panned out for good. It is puzzling that a young cat like Izzy (great personality and nice coat pattern) would be stuck in the cattery so long. But that’s all in the past now.

This time it felt right, and it went right! A lot of times Izzy wanders off, especially if the person he greeted get attracted to other cats and they stop giving him attention. But this time, Izzy was there near HB everywhere HB turned. I could see he liked HB. And HB liked him. Izzy was liking HB’s attention, and looked for it, unlike with previous visitors.

Sometimes it’s really a matter of chemistry, fate, connection, whatever you wanna call it. This pair’s got it, and we’re happy.

Dazed boy (he doesn’t know yet what the coming weekend got in store, but being cat, he must suspect something)

Woo hoo, Izzy does it

Excitement all around – Izzy’s got a potential adopter visitor this afternoon! (Don’t want to jinx it, but I feel good!)

Maybe the adopter will take a pair. We hope so!

Some just stubbornly wallowing in sith

I had to do it, make a mini-showcase of the me-is-king complainant who only wants to get rid of the cat(s), no matter what: Club Rad – irrational cat complainants

Almost as unchangable as the Dark Lord of the Sith, so impeccable their illogic.

Cara, and a sanguine motorcycle owner

btmao told me, yes, me is again calsifer mouth-of-btmao (hear me grumble!) about her encounter in the Area 1 carpark. Cassie was getting her breakfast when a Chinese uncle approached and struck up a conversation.

He remarked that she looked fat, and said he used to see another one. btmao immediately cotton on to the fact that it was Cara he was referring to, and told him about our suspicions that she was beaten/injured by unhappy motorcyclists because of seat scratches, citing how she went missing for a month and how she was limping for a time, and that as she slowly recovered and moved away from the motorcycles, and the food sources dwindled, she got a tad fitter.

He empathised and said the motorcyclists shouldn’t get so upset over their seats. When told that complaints lead to the cats’ deaths, he said it was so unnecessary, and that people should live and let live. Apparently he gives the cats food on occassion too.

The bombshell was he was a motorcyclist himself and his seat is in bad condition too, but he doesn’t mind and doesn’t begrudge or blame the cats.

If only more people were like this nice uncle, it would be better and an easier place to live in for all.

To be fair, sometimes the feeding can be a problem, as Dawn described here. But without cooperation and going to the bottom of things, the wrong cats can be removed, and that does not solve anything. Car owners are by far, the worse of the species, I think.

X-mas Shopping ideas – helping local

The year-end giving season round the corner. Have you thought about what to buy or maybe what you want?

Please consider doing a good deed while you buy or receive: buy gifts for your loved ones from these Singapore organisations or donate to them in your loved ones’ names. You can do the reverse too – let your loved ones know you’d appreciate a gift from these organisations, or a donation in your name, in lieu of a gift.

Pawpledge -> online store, Pledge a Cat!, donate

-> Paw pledge special year-end fundraiser (added 20061207)

Cat Welfare Society -> online store, donate, membership, sponsor a sterilisation

ACRES -> online store, donate, wishlist, membership

House Rabbit Society of Singapore -> online store, donate, membership

Noah’s Ark -> online store, donate, animal sponsorship, wishlist,

Metta Cats -> wishlist: on the main page, sponsorship appeal for vaccinations, Sponsorship appeal for replacement of rusty shelves with plastic ones
(Cats’ resting area)

Action for Singapore Dogs -> online store, donate, appeals,

Also check out calsifer‘s X-mas Shopping ideas – helping global.

Mucopolysaccharidosis – help me heal

Mu…wha?? Mucopolysaccharidosis, a rare genetics disease that affects humans, and animals.

It’s what this little guy, called Spanky’s got –

Got this while surfing the blogpound. (emphasis mine)

Here’s an inspiring little story from NSAL about a cat suffering from a rare condition called mucopolysaccharidosis. In most shelters this would be a death sentence, but NSAL has taken on the cat as a special needs project, and are helping him get treatment from specialists at the University of Pennsylvania. While some might argue it’s not a good way to spend limited funds, it’s also wonderful to see such effort being made to help one special cat. Treating him may help lead to treatments for other cats in the future, perhaps even cats you and I might encounter. I never think it’s a bad thing to take a chance, to do something different, and I hope Spanky the cat will be able to live a long and happy life. If you want to read the full story, click here: Help Me Heal


What a nice way to end the evening – on a heartwarming note. Best wishes to Spanky!

(Note: NSAL is a no-kill shelter. A concept that could play a part in TNRM, but is unfortunately not in vogue here)

Scratchy’s babies looking for homes

I spoke to Aaren aka Scratchy’s mum.

Scratchy and her babies, about 4 weeks now, are doing well. There are 3 – all gingers. Anyone interested? Please email sephycat at gmail dot com.

I’ve yet to do a photocall for them, but expect pictures in the next two weeks.

And also, the babies’ aunt, aka Scratchy’s littermate, Itchy has been sterilised. PHEW!

Update on 13 Dec 06: <Picture of 2/3 of the brood here. Also they were born Oct 30.

Maybe the rejection of responsibility is misguided

Well, I read Cat‘s thoughts on sterilisation, based on my rant, The unbearable lightness of responsibility.

She mentioned:

Perception that sterilisation is bad goes beyond religious beliefs & financial difficulties. There are people who tells me that sterilisation as unfair, cruel, harmful & unnatural – “cats are animals … it is cruel to curb their animal instincts … they should be able to mate at least once … blah blah blah” It is ignorance again.

Of course! Cat’s comments were very insightful and more encompassing than my rant, which focused on religious beliefs & financial difficulties because thse are the most-cited reasons with the lot we encountered. The ignorance-excuses described by Cat comes after you counter the religious beliefs & financial difficulties excuses.

But I digress. I really like Cat’s Q&A for the ignorant anti-sterilisation lot (additional notes in bracks and url links mine):

1. Do you know that neutering is not a cruel mutilation or just a means of preventing unwanted pregnancies but it is in fact beneficial to your cat’s health? (Ref: Early Spay & Neuter of Cats , Debunking myths about spay and neuter. More here)

2. Are you aware of CWS subsidies for sterilising your strays?

3. Do you know that taking care of kittens is hard work & it takes ages to find good homes for them? (Kitten care. For adoption stats, write to the CWS adoption volunteer at for first-hand info.)

4. Do you know how many cats are killed each year by AVA simply because there are too many of them on the streets? 13,000! (Please also read the Purry-tales listed here)

Good checklist when faced with such people.

Earlier this evening

The usual suspects in Area 3 came out for dindin. Marty first.

As always, he was prompt and waiting with anticipation. After btmao set out his dinner, she over to Martin’s gangland, leaving footsoldier me on clean up detail. I thought it would be a quick one.

But just as he was finishing, who should come running but Henna. Of course btmao had to come back to set service for her.

After the two are done (Martin helped himself to Henna’s share too), we went over toclean up after Martin’s gang.

It was good to see that Macy’s appetite was phenomenal. Which means the meds are working – RELIEF!

On the way home, we checked Area 2 for Omi, Bella and Sasha. Only Sasha was there, but we were glad to see her. It’s been  days since we gave her food.

This morning’s service

At the area 1 carpark, were ravenous Cassie and Ivan, according to btmao, and the irregular scheduled-one, Cally. No sign of Cara.

In area 3, the usual suspects Marty, Henna, Mary, Martin, Marcus, and Macy.

Macy only nibbled, and was more interested to check out Martin and Marcus’ plates, just to be sure she’s getting the same deal.

Macy’s place this evening

I joined btmao on the evening service just now. After she laid the table for Henna and Marty, I watched over them and waited to do clean up.

Meantime, btmao went into Martin’s gangland.

After the venerable ones were done, and my duty is done, I went to look for btmao. Mary was tucking in as usual. But it was a different scene with the threesome.

When I reached the gang, only Martin was eating with gusto. But the grub he had was not the usual staple – just pure natural balance dry food, the wet stuff was missing.

I looked to where the other two sat. Macy was spacing out by her plate, Marcus had no interest in his whatsoever. It was highly unusual. Then btmoa found the plausible explantion – there were containers of water, soft drink cups. Too high for the cats, but the man who left them seemed oblivious to the fact. He’s someone we call the “I see, I understand” encik. And he’s in the same league as the the impervious midnight litter-bug feeder, a “feel good” dumpster feeder. Surprisingly, there were no leftovers attracting vicious agitated ants, unlike his usual aftermath.  While btmao thought it might be that he’s finally learnt to clean up, I was rather more doubtful that he understood the problems of his “feel good” feeding.

Tomorrow, in any case, would be a better gauge of Macy’s appetite, since her lack of interest in dinner was not indicative in itself, thanks to the “I see, I understand” encik, who likes to name-drop too.

Someday, I shall devote a bit of online time to him, just as I did the midnight feeder. Such incredible examples of imperviousness deserve to be on a pedestal for all to marvel.

Cara was out today too

btmao came home late, as Cara, who’s rarely in the carpark now, appeared, and was very wanting in the affection department, so btmao hired out her lap and provided chin rubs and anything else she wanted. She is very trusting and friendly – which makes us nervous for her safety.

No pics today, but these were taken on Mar 18, and she’s a lot slimmer now, which is a good thing, because she was so round before that her backside was always dirty- she couldn’t reach around her grossly round tummy. Now she’s much more hygienic.

Grossly overmuch fats on cats really isn’t cute. Which is also why we try to tell the dumpster feeders we already do and they can stop feeding these, and maybe think about feeding others. But they never listen of course. For a time, we were worried that she might expire from being grossly overfed.

