Category Archives: Snowbell

Female young white cat with different coloured eyes. Adopted out 25 Feb 07.

Snowbell is home-free!

Foster Mum called yesterday with the wonderful news. As of Sunday, 25 Feb 07, Snowbell (her story here) has a forever home.

Pre-adoption photo updates  still pending. Apologies.

Adoption live-link track (Jan 07)

Tracking of hits/referrals & enquiries for homeseekers through pics/vid blog entries linked to the CWS Public Adoption Bulletin Board

Day Site
Angel* Cassie Frankie Sanna* Santhi* Snowbell*
Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn
1 0
2 0
3 0 3
4 5 1 4
5 25 1 1 5 4 14
6 44 1 4 2 21
7 43 2 1 6 4 34
8 29 1 3 4 1 25
9 31 2 2 2 4 25
10 18 2 1 18
11 23 1 1 1 19
12 13 1 2 10
13 17 2 2 2 13
14 19 2 5 14
15 17 1 1 2 2 14
16 9 1 1 1 7
17 0 1
18 4 2 1 3
19 8 1 2 5
20 7 1 8
21 6 1 1 4
22 12 2 1 9
23 4 2 3
24 10 1 1 13
25 7 1 4 3
26 15 1 4 1 10
27 7 1 2 5
28 10 1 2 7
29 13 2 30
30 10 3 2 2 6
31 7 2 4

For “Actn” (or Action), numbers in brackets denote an action not resulting from the CWS adoption board.

* Angel’s adoption notice not yet renewed. Frankie’s adoption notice photo changed on 5 Jan. Cassie has been moved into foster care on Wed, 25 Jan. Scratchy’s babies are not yet on the tracking list due to issues. Sanna, Santhi and Snowbell adoption notices started on 5 Jan. (NOTE: Sanna, Santhi and Snowbell are Foster Mum’s kitties)

No one found a home in January.

(Dec track)

Snowbell – young white female for adoption

Snowbell was rescued by a woman whose acquaintance was going to send her to SPCA. Snowbell is being cared for by Foster Mum. She is hoping for a real home where her life will not be hanging by the thread of someone’s whimsy.

Like Snowball, she is a white cat with two different coloured eyes. She is very affectionate. See her pics and vid here.


Snowbell – white female cat with different coloured eyes

Snowbell loves attention from people

See the blue of my eye

Another look at my blue eye

I love attention

Snowbell vidded:

Snowbell’s story here.

UPDATE (20070227): Snowbell has been adopted! Thank you for your interest. Please do consider another one of our kitties looking for homes.