Category Archives: Sanna

Whitish female rescued from certain death with Santhi in Dec 06. Very affectionate. Adopted May 07.

Sanna adopted!

Yay! Foster Mum’s homeseeker, Sanna has gone to her furever home.

Sanna pensive

Sanna, Foster Mum’s homeseeker, was a bit quiet yesterday.



Sanna today – aerial views


Some pics of gentle Sanna, one of the homeseekers at Foster Mum’s, taken today. More of her pics here.





Vid – Watching the world go by

Adoption live-link track (Jan 07)

Tracking of hits/referrals & enquiries for homeseekers through pics/vid blog entries linked to the CWS Public Adoption Bulletin Board

Day Site
Angel* Cassie Frankie Sanna* Santhi* Snowbell*
Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn Hits Actn
1 0
2 0
3 0 3
4 5 1 4
5 25 1 1 5 4 14
6 44 1 4 2 21
7 43 2 1 6 4 34
8 29 1 3 4 1 25
9 31 2 2 2 4 25
10 18 2 1 18
11 23 1 1 1 19
12 13 1 2 10
13 17 2 2 2 13
14 19 2 5 14
15 17 1 1 2 2 14
16 9 1 1 1 7
17 0 1
18 4 2 1 3
19 8 1 2 5
20 7 1 8
21 6 1 1 4
22 12 2 1 9
23 4 2 3
24 10 1 1 13
25 7 1 4 3
26 15 1 4 1 10
27 7 1 2 5
28 10 1 2 7
29 13 2 30
30 10 3 2 2 6
31 7 2 4

For “Actn” (or Action), numbers in brackets denote an action not resulting from the CWS adoption board.

* Angel’s adoption notice not yet renewed. Frankie’s adoption notice photo changed on 5 Jan. Cassie has been moved into foster care on Wed, 25 Jan. Scratchy’s babies are not yet on the tracking list due to issues. Sanna, Santhi and Snowbell adoption notices started on 5 Jan. (NOTE: Sanna, Santhi and Snowbell are Foster Mum’s kitties)

No one found a home in January.

(Dec track)


Sanna is mostly white, with a beige coloured short tail. She is very affectionate and calm. She also likes to touch noses with people and will ask for headrubs and chin tickles. Sterilised, vaccinated, litter-box trained.

Sanna, ever friendly and curious

Wanna rub noses?

Acrobatic cat: Sanna assuming a Yoga Asana

Sanna relaxing after the acrobatics

Vid: Sanna rubbing noses with the window pane

Sanna and Santhi for adoption

Sanna and Santhi are two adult females rescued from certain death. They are very affectionate and calm.

Foster Mum is caring for them now, and is helping them to find homes.

Sanna is mostly white, with a beige coloured short tail. She likes to touch noses with people and will ask for headrubs and chin tickles. See her pics and vid here.

Santhi is a white cat with tabby patches. She also has lovely blue eyes and a short tail. She is a bit shy with strangers, and requires a bit of time to warm-up. But she is also as affectionate as Sanna. See her pics and vid here.