Snowball visited too, and… adopted pronto

Right after Timmi’s vistors left, Snowball received his first visitors, A pair of siblings, sister CL and brother AL.

Though the siblings contacted us after reading about Snowball, they were open to seeing the cats and letting fate decide. So I showed them all the cats. When it came to Snowball’s turn, it seemed he stole CL’s heart from the get go. I plopped him into her waiting arms, and he just slumped into them and purred.



We then continued the grand tour. CL and AL took the time to provide headrubs and interact.

At the end of it, they conferred, and decided on Snowball. I wasn’t surprised given how CL had seemed to melt when Snowball was purring in her arms. There were actually 2 more potential adopters with whom I was trying to arrange visits. However, I could see how comfy Snowball and CL were with each other, and AL was always there with a helping hand for headrubs. So I decided to adopt Snowball to them, and arrange with the other two potential visitors to come to the cattery if they’re open to visiting other cats.

CL and AL will get everything in place and then come fetch Snowball, probably in 1 or 2 week’s time. One case closed.

Snowball has broken the record for fastest turnaround – he’s been in foster care only since 24 Oct, took time to recover from the trauma of abandonment, and was put up for adoption only on 27 Nov. Finally, CL and AL were his first visitors!

We couldn’t be happier, regardless, but little did we know

4 responses to “Snowball visited too, and… adopted pronto

  1. Great news!! All the best, Snowball!!

  2. Thank you, Cat_aunty. 🙂

  3. What cat-person can resist those adorable eyes on that adorable face.

  4. Heh… yeah, his adoption pic/vid link is extremely popular. Now that he’s out of the running, we can take down his adoption notice and stop hogging attention.