Foster Mum’s Homeseekers

Foster Mum

tec homeseekers, and retirees are cared for by Foster Mum, who runs a private, non-commercial cattery. Foster Mum herself rarely goes out to bring in needy kitties – she has her hands full from the conscripts brought in by minions like us.

However, for one reason or another, in her cattery too are homeseekers for whom no one is guardian to. But these kitties are in no less need of a good home, and so Foster Mum has taken on guardianship for them. Since us tec minions blog, and know our way about the internet, we assist Foster Mum with the logistics of putting up adoption blurbs for these kitties. Do note however, that while we may also assist with initial potential adopter screening, final screening and decisions are wholly Foster Mum’s prerogative.

Loving angel mummy towing 8 little devils

Bee Hoon




No No

The Mod Duo: Happy and Lucky


Foster-Mum Doggies For Adoption

And here are all of Foster Mum’s homeseeking kitties on tec:


Please email with the following:

  • your name
  • the cat or cats you’re interested
  • contact
  • a summary of your background and experience with cats

Serious adopters only, please. All info will be treated in confidence and forwarded to Foster Mum for comsideration.

NOTE: If you’re looking for assistance on rehoming kitties, please refer to our Starter Kit and FAQ for the Kitty Foster/Rehomer

(Created: 24 Dec 07. Updated: 19 Apr 10 )

2 responses to “Foster Mum’s Homeseekers

  1. Hi there,

    I looked at your cats for adoption and I am interested to adopt Ellie.

    Appreciate you can contact me at xxxxxxxx to arrange for viewing.

    Louis Chng

  2. Hi Louis,
    I have contacted you via email, and edited your contact number out of your comment for your privacy.

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