Daily Archives: October 11, 2006

Omi has gone MIA

Little Omi has been missing since btmao last fed her on Oct 5.

We hope she’s ok where ever she is.

She’s back, and she’s now Bella!

I went with btmao on her feeding rounds, The young calico girl whom we’ve only spotted once before appeared this evening, in the same area where we first met – at Sasha’s.

The lady of the void deck wasn’t there, and neither was Buddy. I wonder if it’s a coincidence that both times the pair were away.

As before, she was ravenous, but wary and would not allow contact. That would have been acceptable, if her tummy wasn’t carrying a suspicious bulge. She was still as scrawny otherwise. Now we’ve the headache of anticpating her delivery, and trying to pre-empt it by de-mojoing her. The hurdle tripping us, is of course, her unpredictable schedule and the rarity of her appearance. We’ve been wrong before when we anxiously sent Sara for her op, thinking she was pregged out when her tummy was filling up (obviously with something else), so maybe this time we are too. I hope so.

Highly suspected is also her homelessness – she’s very clean for a homeless cat, probably another semi-pet cat, with a owner and home, but always put out to roam.

Cursed haze – Macy seems affected

Poor Macy. btmao sms’d me from Martin’s, and said she seemed in a poor way, with a phelgmy cough, and no interest in food. Given that her dimunitiveness is the champion eater, it was worrying. Add to that the fact that when she first joined Martin, we sent her into temporary foster care with Foster Mum because of chronic runny nose and watery eyes, it was even more so. Cursed haze, most likely it was the trigger.

We decided to check up on her after work.

So came after work time, after sunset, Macy seemed ok and even had the presence of mind of noticing Martin’s bounding off, and knowing it was the cue for btmao’s arrival.

That she even had the energy to run on her small short legs was gratifying. Even better was her appetite, the reticence of the morning totally mindwiped.

We’re relieved, of course, but we’ll still watch out for her. Cos the damn haze’s hanging around too.